Global Jet

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6 July 2020

For the 1st half of 2020, there are close to 80 aircraft under Global Jet and about 10 aircraft in the pipeline, including an Airbus A330, Gulfstream 650ER, Falcon 8X, Falcon 2000LX and a brand-new Latitude.

Edouard Lehembre, Vice President Aircraft Management: “With over 35 different aircraft types, we face complexities in everyday management & operations that others operators are not equipped to handle. And that is also our strength. It comes from our asset management approach, which is to preserve the value of the asset entrusted to us. That makes our added value more specific, more personalised.”

Added value also comes in the form of volume discounts – from fuel to maintenance, from handling to catering – are automatically passed on to our clients. With a fleet as large and diverse as ours, those cost savings are substantial.

Global Jet clients also have full access to our financial reporting app. It provides a 24/7 x-ray view of any costs and operations related to their asset, including all supplier invoices. We don’t apply commissions on supplies & services because it’s a recipe for doubt and misunderstandings. Instead, Global Jet charges only a fixed management fee. “The strategy is full transparency and a one-to-one invoicing policy is part of our DNA”, adds Edouard.